DeBary Green Hydrogen Production and Storage System

DeBary Hydrogen Energy System
Creating a Cleaner Energy Future
At Duke Energy, we believe generating electricity from renewable resources will play an important role in the transition to cleaner energy. That's why we're developing innovative renewable power projects to serve communities and meet the needs of the overall grid.Project Overview
Duke Energy is constantly evolving and seeking ways to provide clean energy solutions to our customers. We would like to share our plan to add a green hydrogen facility at our existing site to help increase reliability in your area. This upgrade will be located within our existing Duke Energy property off Highbanks Road, where you will not be able to see or hear the facility.As the DeBary Solar Power Plant captures energy from the sun, 74.5 MW of clean energy will make its way onto the grid. A portion of this energy will power the two 1-MW hydrogen electrolyzer units, which efficiently splits the water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
Oxygen is then released into the atmosphere and the hydrogen is stored safely in reinforced containers. The hydrogen will then be used as an alternative fuel to support grid balancing during peak hours at the plant.
During construction, the project will employ approximately 20 skilled workers to build the hydrogen facility within an eight- to 12-month period.
Construction will not require any tree removal, habitat impacts or road closures.
Benefits to the Community
- Help improve overall reliability of the electric grid
- DeBary will be home to one of the first green hydrogen production and storage systems connected to existing solar for power generation
Operational Features
- Safe, quiet generation and storage of energy
- Zero greenhouse gas emissions
- No visual impact
How Does It Work?
Project Schedule
During construction, vehicles will deliver components for the project by a planned access route to the site. Routes used during construction will be restored, as needed, to their prior condition or as required by city or county policies. No road closures are expected, and at peak construction, the project will employ approximately 20 workers on-site. Crews will be conducting minor grading, digging trenches for cables, pouring concrete pads for the containers and setting the electrolyzer in place with heavy equipment. As a result, neighbors may hear construction noise as crews perform this work during daylight hours. We will provide construction notifications to surrounding neighbors and make every reasonable effort to limit the impacts to neighbors.
Construction of a hydrogen facility may take eight to 12 months. For a more detailed look at a typical hydrogen project schedule, please see the Hydrogen Construction Timeline document.
Hydrogen Construction Timeline
Planning and Development
Construction Begins
Late 2023
Estimated Project Completion
Late 2024