Air Quality Initiatives
Improving Air Quality
for Today & Tomorrow
Improving air quality in the United States has been and continues to be one of our top priorities. Since 2005, our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions decreased by 39 percent, sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions decreased by 97 percent and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions decreased by 79 percent.
Many factors influence emissions levels and intensities, including generation diversity and efficiency, demand for electricity, weather, fuel and purchased power prices, and emissions controls deployed. These decreases are primarily due to addition of pollution control equipment, decreased coal generation, increased natural gas generation and replacement of higher-emitting plants.
Duke Energy uses a diverse mix of generating technologies, including natural gas, nuclear, hydropower, coal and increasing amounts of renewable energy to generate energy that's cleaner, reliable and affordable for our customers.

1All data based on Duke Energy's ownership share of generating assets as of December 31, 2019. Totals may not add up exactly due to rounding.
2SO2 and NOX reported from Duke Energy's electric generation based on ownership share of generating assets.