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Comment Form

Morrisville Industrial Transmission Line Project

Public participation is a vital part of Duke Energy's process for selecting routes for new transmission lines.Our goal is to inform the public about our project and to select a route for the new transmission line with the least overall impact to homes, businesses and the community. Please complete this comment form after you have reviewed the information provided at the open house or on our website. Your answers will help Duke Energy team understand public interests and concerns. We will incorporate this information into our comprehensive route planning and selection process. Thank you for your input.

This comment form is designed to help identify issues related to a new 230-kV transmission line in Morrisville, N.C.

Contact Information:
866.297.5886 |
  1. Your Interest In This Project
  2. Project Need
  3. Line Routing Considerations
  4. Contact Information
  5. Confirmation
1. Which of the following best describes you (mark all that apply)?
2. Which of the following best describes your area of interest in relation to the project?