Mills Gap Reliability and Line Relocation Project

Mills Gap Reliability and Line Relocation Project
Project Overview
To accommodate N.C. Department of Transportation's (NCDOT) widening project for Mills Gap Road in south Asheville, existing Duke Energy distribution line infrastructure will need to be relocated.Separately, Duke Energy will be constructing a new electrical substation at the corner of Mills Gap Road and Sweeten Creek Road. To connect this substation to the grid, a new transmission tap line will be built that will run 1.5 miles southeast along Mills Gap Road to the existing transmission corridor located near Paul Williams Lane.
This part of the project won't begin until after NCDOT has widened Mills Gap Road. For further details on the project schedule, please see the timeline below.
These projects are a result of Buncombe County and south Asheville experiencing steady growth and an increased demand for electricity over the past several years. To help meet the community’s growing energy needs and provide the reliable, affordable and increasingly clean energy our customers deserve, these upgrades are essential.
Please see below for some of the frequently asked questions.
Project Map
Virtual Open House and Interactive Map
This link will provide you with the Patriot project information and interactive map to view the location of the siting study for the new transmission line. The search and zoom features will provide a more detailed view of an area and an opportunity to provide us with additional feedback.
Contact Information
Phone: 800.365.8979
Benefits for the Community
Project Timeline
- Preconstruction Activities: 2022-2023
- Construction: Fall 2024
Preconstruction activities are expected to begin after Duke Energy acquires all needed easements to build the new 115-kV transmission line and engineering design is completed.
- Preconstruction Activities: 2024-2025
- Construction: 2026
- Restoration: 2027
Watch Our Videos to Discover More
The Energy Superhighway
Learn about the importance of transmission infrastructure and how it plays a vital role in powering our communities.
Maintenance of Easement Areas
Learn about easements and what’s deemed a safe and appropriate use of the property.
Preconstruction Activities
Learn what occurs during the preconstruction phase of an electric transmission project.
Vegetation Management
See why it’s important to keep easement areas free and clear of any vegetation.