Folkstone-Jacksonville Reliabiity Project

Folkstone-Jacksonville Reliability Project
Meeting the growing energy needs of Onslow County
Project Overview
Duke Energy is rebuilding approximately 14 miles of transmission line within the existing utility easement of the Folkstone-Jacksonville City 115-kV transmission line in Onslow County, North Carolina. The new line will improve reliability, resiliency and capacity by replacing wood structures with structures made of steel and upgrading to stronger transmission lines.
The project will take place in two phases. Phase 1 will take place along approximately seven miles of existing right-of-way north of Highway 258 in Jacksonville and run south to High Hill Road north of Dixon, North Carolina. Phase 2 will take place over the remaining seven miles which are located in the South Verona area along an existing Duke Energy right-of-way.
Community Benefits
The Folkstone-Jacksonville Reliability Project will enhance our ability to provide safe and reliable energy to homes, businesses and other community facilities in the Onslow County area.
- Upgrading to Stronger Transmission Lines
- Strengthening Ability to Withstand Extreme Weather Events
- Increasing Energy Capacity for Customers
- Supporting Future Growth in the Region
Watch Our Videos to Discover More
The Energy Superhighway
Learn about the importance of transmission infrastructure and how it plays a vital role in powering our communities.
Maintenance of Easement Areas
Learn about easements and what’s deemed a safe and appropriate use of the property.
Pre-construction Activities
Learn what occurs during the pre-construction phase of an electric transmission project.
Project Timeline
Interactive Map
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