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Kentucky Rate Case

Duke Energy|Kentucky Rate Case

Learn how we're building a smarter energy future.

On Sept. 1, 2017, Duke Energy Kentucky made a request before the Kentucky Public Service Commission (KYPSC) to adjust customer bills. The request reflects important investments made to build a cleaner, smarter energy future for all Kentucky customers.
  • September 1, 2017

    Duke Energy Kentucky files a request to adjust rates with the KYPSC.

  • Fall 2017

    Duke Energy Kentucky demonstrates need for increase to KYPSC.

  • Winter 2018

    KYPSC thoroughly reviews the request and schedules the hearing.

  • Spring 2018

    KYPSC makes the final decision and adjusts rates, as appropriate.

Enhance reliability and customer experience

We continue to invest in the latest innovations to make electricity more reliable than ever and help customers take control of their energy use and manage their bills. Investments in this case include:

  • Smart meters to enable more energy-saving, bill-lowering tools for customers, faster service connection and convenience, and outage detection.
  • Targeted underground line relocation for customer lines that are hard to reach in rear yards to help improve reliability.
  • Modernizing the system by replacing aging overhead and underground power lines.

Managing coal ash responsibly

For decades, reliable, affordable electricity in Kentucky was made possible by coal. With coal came coal ash – the byproduct of decades of generating electricity from this resource to meet customer energy needs. 

Investments at East Bend Station in Rabbit Hash, Ky., to meet new federal standards for coal combustion residuals include:

  • Safely closing existing ash basin and construction of a new on-site landfill to handle generator waste materials.
  • Detailed plans to convert East Bend Station’s wet ash handling system to a dry ash disposal system to comply with federal regulations. 
The cost of these services, including compliance with state and federal regulations that govern our work, is a responsibility we all share as consumers of electricity so that the public and the environment are protected now and in the future.

Generating cleaner electricity for a brighter future

We work hard every day to keep costs reasonable for our customers and to avoid an increase to customer bills whenever possible. Recent work to modernize power plants, generate cleaner power, modernize how we manage coal ash and improve reliability while enabling more options for customers has made it necessary for Duke Energy to seek a change to customer bills to pay for these important investments. Investments in this case include:

  • An investment of $14.8 million in three solar sites in Walton and Crittenden that helps provide emissions-free energy to Kentucky homes and businesses.
  • Retirement of Miami Fort Unit 6 in 2015 that was dedicated to serving Kentucky customers. Miami Fort 6 was retired due to an inability to cost-effectively comply with federal air standards.

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