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Request for list of eligible customers

Upon certification by the PUCO, suppliers may receive a list of eligible customers. Duke Energy Ohio offers the list of eligible customers, which is updated the second Sunday of each month. A supplier may not use a list for more than three (3) months. To receive a compact disc containing the list of eligible customers, please provide the following information to Duke Energy Ohio at or call 513.287.2322.

  • Company name 
  • Contact person 
  • PUCO certification number 
  • Mailing address 
  • Email address 
  • Please send me the eligible customer list, indicating that you agree to pay the tariff charge of $150.00.

Gas supplier

Information customer list

Duke Energy Ohio gas accounts excluded from Gas Supplier Customer Information List:
  • Mercantile customers (Annual usage of 500 MCF or greater) 
  • Customers with 30-day arrears of $50.00 or more 
  • Customers who have opted off the Gas Supplier Customer Information List 
  • Customers on Rates IT
Note: Switched customers are included, but not indicated as such.

Account information included on the Gas Supplier Customer Information List
  • Customer name 
  • Service address 
  • Mailing address 
  • Meter type 
  • Budget Billing/PIPP Indicator 
  • Meter reading cycle 
  • Historical consumption for the past 12 months 
  • Meter number 
  • Revenue class 
  • Account identifier