Revised Rates for 2023
As a part of Duke Energy Progress' comprehensive rate agreement approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission, redesigned time-of-use rates along with other added benefits, will be introduced in October to provide customers increased flexibility.
Residential time-of-use (R-TOU)
- The standard time-of-use rate has been reconfigured to better align with today's mix of generation sources and the region's changing usage patterns. TOU customers now have greater opportunities to save. The changes include: shortened on-peak periods in both summer and winter months.
- A new discount period where energy charges are 30% lower than the standard off-peak rate.
- Off Peak and Discount period hours offered in lieu of shoulder hours.
The revisions provide customers with the opportunity to shift energy-intensive consumption to times when there is less demand on the electric grid. The much lower energy price offered during new, designated "discount periods" reflect the fact that it is less expensive to provide energy during these hours. Programmable appliances, thermostats, electric vehicle charging timers are among several ways that customers can take advantage of these new hours.
Summer months under the new rate are considered May through September, with non-summer months spanning October through April. Weekend and pre-designated holidays are still considered as off-peak.

Applicable Days | Summer Hours May – September |
Non-Summer Hours October – April |
On-Peak Period: | Monday – Friday excluding holidays* |
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. | 6 a.m. – 9 a.m. |
Discount Period: | All days including holidays* |
1 a.m. – 6 a.m. | 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. |
Off-Peak Period: | All days including holidays* |
All hours that are not On-Peak or Discount hours |
The revised R-TOU rate schedule with additional detail, including pricing, will be available at on October 1, 2023.
Residential time-of-use demand (R-TOUD)
The time-of-use demand rate is now available to new participants. This rate, like our other time-of-use options, has been reconfigured to better align with today's mix of generation sources and the region's changing usage patterns. TOU customers now have greater opportunities to save. The changes include:
- Shortened on-peak periods in both summer and winter months.
- A new discount period where energy charges are 30% lower than the standard off-peak rate.
The revisions provide customers with the opportunity to shift energy-intensive consumption to times when there is less demand on the electric grid. The much lower energy price offered during new, designated "discount periods" reflect the fact that it is less expensive to provide energy during these hours. Programmable appliances, thermostats, electric vehicle charging timers are among several ways that customers can take advantage of these new hours.
Summer months under the new rate are considered May through September, with non-summer months spanning October through April. Weekend and pre-designated holidays are still considered as off-peak.
In addition to the time changes, the structure for Demand will also be revised and separated into two reduced and unique charges:
- On-Peak Billing Demand will be the highest 15-minute kW demand during On-Peak hours in the current billing month.
- A Max Billing Demand will be the highest 15-minute kW demand during all hours in the current billing month.

Applicable Days | Summer Hours May – September |
Non-Summer Hours October – April |
On-Peak Period: | Monday – Friday excluding holidays* |
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. | 6 a.m. – 9 a.m. |
Discount Period: | All days including holidays* |
1 a.m. – 6 a.m. | 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. |
Off-Peak Period: | All days including holidays* |
All hours that are not On-Peak or Discount hours |
The revised R-TOUD rate schedule with additional detail, including pricing, will be available at on October 1, 2023.
Flex Savings Option time-of-use with Critical Peak Pricing (R-TOU-CPP)
Our Flex Savings Option (FSO) Critical Peak Pricing TOU rate gives residential customers another option that may better suit those with different energy usage patterns. Key differences for FSO:
- No demand charges, making the rate easier to understand and manage for many customers
- Greater savings opportunities than both the standard TOU and the TOUD rate.
- Critical peak pricing days (~20) that are called over the course of the calendar year, when the on-peak rates are elevated in anticipation of high energy demand
- Notifications a day prior to the critical peak days to provide ample time to plan for shifting energy use

Applicable Days | Summer Hours May – September |
Non-Summer Hours October – April |
On-Peak Period: | Monday – Friday excluding holidays* |
6 p.m. – 9 p.m. | 6 a.m. – 9 a.m. |
Discount Period: | All days including holidays* |
1 a.m. – 6 a.m. | 1 a.m. – 3 a.m. 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. |
Off-Peak Period: | All days including holidays* |
All hours that are not On-Peak or Discount hours |
The new R-TOU-CPP rate schedule with additional detail, including pricing, is available at
Additional advantages coming for Residential Customers
Alignment of all Residential TOU periods across rate schedules.
- We have aligned all of our Residential time-of-use On-Peak, Discount, and Off-Peak Periods to make tracking and adjusting your usage during these periods simpler.
In addition to the enhancements to our time-of-use rates*, customers now have a way to help determine the rate most advantageous for their home.
- Our Rate Comparison feature was added with the implementation of our new, modernized billing platform. North Carolina customers with 12 months of service can now utilize the tool by signing in to their online account and going to the Billing & Payments drop-down menu.
Customers with secondary meters on nonresidential rates that meet select criteria may be eligible for a residential rate.
- Stand-alone garages, personal workshops, sheds, etc. may now qualify for residential rate. Depending on the energy usage characteristics, a change could reduce monthly costs for some customers.
The Basic Customer Charges for all Residential TOU Schedules, which serves as the general monthly cost to serve customers' connection to the electric grid, will decrease from $16.85 to $14 per month.
- The Basic Customer Charge will decrease for Residential TOU customers to ensure customers with low kWh usage and/or those on fixed incomes are not inequitably burdened with increases to this flat monthly customer fee.
- The Basic Customer Charge for other/ non-TOU Residential Rates will remain unchanged at $14.
*Customers currently on the Residential time-of-use Critical Peak Pricing rate (R-TOU-CPP) will not see changes to their current structure.